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Alex Murray30 Oct 2023 - 09:42
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BCC AGM - Tuesday 7th November

Alex Murray
Dear Members
I hope you all are getting a well-deserved break and rest from cricket. But as the 2023 season finishes we begin to look forward to our plans for the 2024 season. These plans will be discussed at our AGM on Tuesday 7th November @7:45pm. It would be great to have as many of you there as possible as this is your chance to voice any concerns or queries you have regarding the 2024 season and ask any questions you may have relating to the plans we have set out. But this is also a time for new committee members to be voted in. These positions being; Treasurer, 1st XI Captain, 3rd XI Captain and finally Sunday Friendly Captain. Being an important club meeting, we hope to see as many of you there!
Many Thanks
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